Monday, June 14, 2010

10 Months

Well this is an interesting time for me. My hair is growing, I feel tons of new growth, but to me it looks the same length as day one. I do love how it feels though, I have some thicker fuller locks.

I am doing nothing different other then taking more vitamins so not much had changed since my 9 month post. But I have noticed one major difference, my hair stays looking pretty over a 2 week period. Below I have a pictures comparing my curl freshly done and then what it looks like 2 weeks later. I have received many compliments over the last little while, and I have to say my hair is helping to put a major smile on my face.

Freshly washed

Day of wash and I combed through the curls

Stay Blessed!!


  1. Hey girl, what are you using on your hair when you set it? My hair never lasts longer than 2 days...

  2. Thanx V!

    Bajan- That is what puzzles me bc all I used good ole water!!
