Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Consultation and Test Locks

Well I went for my consultation today and I am very excited!! We talked about sizes, the locking process and I have approx 4 tester locks. My consultant, described my hair and from all that she said my suspicions were confirmed, I have 4b hair. We are probably going to the standard sizing for Sisterlocks, which is small-med-large from front to back. I have been going back and forth btw whether I want micros or not. I want hair that curls and styles easily but I don’t want a lion’s mane lsome people say you get when you do micros on thick hair. I have 2 weeks to decide but according to my consultant I will be good with the standard sizing or small to med.

Test Locks


  1. Hiya, welcome to the world of Sisterlocks/microlocks/locks! Forgive me if this is a really stupid question but I live in London and I don't understand this hair classification system I've seen on quite a few blogs. What is 4B and how is classification determined? Is there a link online somewhere? Thanks in advance. Bajan Lily

  2. Sorry Bajan Lily I am new to the blogging world and I missed your comment. I have to say I am still trying to figure out detecting the diff btw 4a and 4b styles in person. But here is a site that helped me out.
