Sunday, February 21, 2010

Shea Butter Whip

Recently, I made a Shea Butter whip to use on my daughter's hair and our skin.

I have used it for a week and I love what it has done for my daughter's hair . My daughter's hair is moisturized and looks shiny.  My skin feels silky smooth and I love the benefits of using Shea butter on me.The only adjustment I will make is to use  a stronger smelling EO that is still highly beneficial for hair and safe to use on my LO. ( I am not in love with the scent)

What you need:

  • 6 TBSP Shea Butter
  • 1 TBSP Coconut Oil**
  • 1 tsp Jojoba (ho HO ba) oil 
  • 1 tsp Grapeseed oil
  • 1/2 TBSP Aloe Gel
  • 1 TBSP Veg. Glycerin, 
  • 1/4 tsp Honey/ or 10 drop of Tea Tree oil   
  • 10 Lavender Essential oil
  •  Storage container that can also be used as your mixing bowl
  • large bowl to hold hot water
  • spatula
  • mixer
  • spoon

1) Place Shea butter in your storage container and put that container in the bowl of hot water. Melt Shea butter (leave some chunks)

2) Add all carrier oils, aloe gel and veg. glycerin.  Mix these ingredients with a hand mixer for 5-7 min.

3) Put mixture in freezer 5-10min till hard.

4) Mix again and using a spatula insure that you get anything stuck in the bottom rim of your container. Blend for about 5 min.

5) Add your EO and preservative (honey or Tea Tree Oil)

 6) Continue to blend 3-5 min or until you get the consistency that you prefer. 

(1 week later)

Shea Butter Whip in Action

I rarely use this style because it causes too much stress on her hair but this was Big D's Birthday.

Here are some great resources for the benefits of Shea butter and Coconut oil.

**In the recipe above I used my own homemade coconut oil and I will share the method my Mother taught me at another time.

I have to add that even though I like making this whip, I will continue to make it for my daughter's hair, I really miss pampering myself with buying hair products (silly I know) so  I am going to continue to enjoy  the natural product line, FUZE for my skin.  I love love it and the Vanilla Butter smells sooo good. Big D definitely prefers it.

Stay Blessed!!!



  1. Ihave got to try it! Your daughter's hair is too adorable...awww

  2. Thank you!! Just trying to help it grow.

  3. Hey thanks for stopping by my blog. I just ordered some shea butter and some other things the other day. I'm on a voyage to try and use all things natural on my locks and skin. I can't wait to try and make my own shea mix. Great post.
